Thursday 28 May 2015

Lesson 2 - Adverbs 2

This week we are going to talk more about Frequency adverbs in English. For example: always, never, often, sometimes, frequently…

But first, can you remember the question from last time?
The question was;
What are the adverbs for the following adjectives?
Fast, good, daily, sure, wrong

Did you get the correct answers?. They are at the bottom of the page.

And now today’s lesson starts. How many adverbs of frequency can you find in the text?
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
My cat is always sleeping on the sofa. I sometimes try to chase him off the couch but he never wants to stay in any other place, so I often give my cat some food to get him to move. The problem is that he frequently eats the food and then comes back to lies on the sofa.
Check the short story and underline the frequency adverbs. Check their position in each sentence as well (you can review our last lesson to remember things about the position of the adverbs (go to the last lesson).

Now try to do the next exercises. You can write your answers as a comment in this post. Find the correct answers at the bottom of the page.

Exercise 1. Frequency Adverbs (write the adverbs from the text in order of frequency)

Never , _________________, _________________, _________________, Always

Exercise 2. Chose the right answer for the next questions
1.       Frequently adverbs usually modify* verbs/adjectives/nouns
         *modify means ‘to change the meaning of’, making something stronger or weaker.
2.       Frequently adverbs usually go before/after verb ‘to be’, ‘auxiliary verbs’ or ‘modal verbs’
3.       Frequently adverbs usually go before/after the rest of the verbs
      If you are not sure, just check with lesson 1 - go to lesson 1.

If you have enjoyed the lesson Give us a like and share it with your friends to help them with their English.

Correct answers lesson 1 are: fast, well, daily, surely and wrong or wrongly
Correct answers today’s lesson:
My cat is always sleeping on the sofa. I sometimes try to chase him off the couch but he never wants to stay in any other place, so I often give my cat some food to get him to move. The problem is that he frequently eats the food and then comes back to lies on the sofa.
Exercise 1: Never, sometimes, often, frequently, always
Exercise 2: verbs, after, before

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